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Order directly to the band Order directly to the band Order directly to the band Order directly to the band Order directly to the band Order directly to the band Order directly to the band Order directly to the band Pre-order start: 15/05/2020 Pre-order start: 15/05/2020


- Please be sure to include your name and address (written clearly)
- All prices (without exception) are in euro (€) if you need a currency conversion/exchange rate, please consult your local bank.
- All duties and customs charges imposed by the government of the country you live in and/or the post service is your responsibility.
- The prices shown are without shipping charges and the payment is your responsibility when the package will arrive in your home.
- Please be familiar with the shipping charges in your country before you order.
- The shipping charges do not include custom fees. If you are not familiar with the customs fees in your country, please check with your local customs office for more information.
- We do not estimate customs fees, taxes, duties, etc. The delivery of your order could be delayed due to customs processing. If your order does not arrive in a reasonable amount of time, you should check with your local customs office to see if they are holding the package for payment of fees. Also, some customs offices will send a separate invoice for your customs fees that could arrive several weeks after you receive your shipment.
- If you are ordering outside of the Europe, your order will probably be charged customs fees (taxes, duties, processing fees, etc.)
- Please estimate of what size of garment would be appropriate for you.

For add information please write to Eddy

Thank you!

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